Absorbs industrial hydrocarbons and derivative product(petrol, oil diesel oil, benzene, mineral oil, etc….)
But not water- based liquids. Do not use on soapy water the absorbent would dive.
For the highest absorption speed and capacity when dealing with liquids on the groud or the surface of water the absorbed amount is proportion to the thickness of the product. Products for spill response are not perforated. For pro- action industrial application pads and rolls are perforated to save you money
Pads industry:
For minor leaks and spills in the workplace, on land or water. Example: minor leaks at a fuel delivery poing.
Light Weight:
Standard absorption capacity for prevention of drip – dryings
Polypropylene absorbents provide:
Exception absorbents (up to 25 items their own weight)
Selective absorbents : 3types available (Oil Selective – General Purpose – chemical) allowing you to almost any liquid.